Our newest arrival is almost 4 weeks old. We put her in her first cloth diaper a few hours before she turned 3 days old (since she finally was done with the nasty tar poop). Her first cloth was a Bummis Super Lite wrap (in brown) with a Bummis preemie prefold. It worked well for the short period she was in it. I used disposables on her later that day because we were going to be out of the house (since we hadn't had enough time to confirm the diaper fit well and wouldn't leak), but she has only been in I think 4 disposables since then - two that day and two for her two doctor's appointment. The only reasons I use disposables for doctor's appointment is weight checks and mainly because we don't have an hook and loop pockets that fit her yet.
Our stash for her is 12 OsoCozy natural flats, 6 Bummis preemie prefolds, 3 Thirsties Duo size 1 cotton doublers, 1 Bummis Super Lite NB cover, and 4 Thirsties Duo Size 1 wraps. She was born at just under 7 lbs, and she never lost much weight. The Bummis cover is definitely a better fit for the legs, but it is too short for the inserts. And since she needs more than just one of the prefolds, the cover normally doesn't work out great. But, it is very trim, so I use it when I want cute pictures without a huge rear end. The Thirsties Duo wraps are hard for me to get a good leg seal with. We have teh tabs crossed over as much as possible, but the legs are still a little loose. So, we have pee leaks occasionally. I have them stuffed with a flat, and luckily we never had poop leaks at least. I bet as she fills out they will be great though.
I now wish I had bought at least one HH Mini I think. I love that it is hook and loop and adjustable size. It seems similar in sizing to the Thirsties Duo, so it might not give us a great leg seal though. But, it would be something we could use for the doctor's appointment... But at this point, I don't think it is worth buying it. Before too long she will fit into our FuzziBunz OS and Rumparooz. Unfortunately, these are both snaps in our stash. She will probably fit into our TotBots soon though too, and it is hook and loop.
I am loving using cloth on a newborn though. It is great to not have to take so much garbage out or run to the store for diapers. With three kids now under 4, those things are huge!